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Showing posts from December, 2022


1. B oost your resistance According to registered dietitian Madeleine Edwards, who practices in Toronto, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. It is crucial to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C because, with the exception of humans, most mammals can naturally manufacture it. According to Edwards, "one serving includes 51.5 mg of vitamin C or nearly half of your daily requirement." "To obtain 100%, double a serving to one cup." A well-known immune system builder and potent, quick-acting antioxidant, vitamin C. These additional foods are rich in vitamin C. 2. Keep your eyes healthy The antioxidants in strawberries may also aid in preventing cataracts, which is the clouding of the eye lens and can eventually result in blindness as people age. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of our eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun's free radicals, which can harm the lens' protein. The cornea and retina of the eye are strengthened in a sign

Why Is Health Important

  1. The significance of living a healthy life Life without good health is akin to an army lacking soldiers or chocolate lacking cocoa. Health is essential for living life to the fullest. A healthy lifestyle keeps the body healthy while keeping the mind engaged and fresh. A healthy lifestyle would increase longevity while also rejuvenating the body and mind. Having excellent health is critical to human happiness. 2. Exactly what is health? Health is a condition of complete physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Adopting preventive measures to reduce the possibility of contracting certain diseases is essential to maintaining one's health. Health is the body's innate capacity to adapt to both physical and psychological changes. A person can easily go about their daily tasks when they are in good health. A person's ability to carry out the many social activities that have been given to him is referred to as mental or social health, as opposed to physical health, which r

What You Can Do to Keep Your Health

  Many factors can affect how healthy you are. Therefore, being in good health can reduce your risk of getting several illnesses. Examples include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and traumas. Find out what you can do to maintain the health of you and your family. The Way to Better Health Eat Well What you consume has a strong influence on your health. A healthy diet offers numerous advantages. Some illnesses can be avoided or treated by eating healthier foods. Heart disease, stroke, and diabetes are examples of them. A nutritious diet can assist you in losing weight as well as lowering your cholesterol. Get Frequent Exercise Exercise can help avoid heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and colon cancer. It can help with depression, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure. People who exercise are also less likely to be hurt. Exercise on a regular basis can improve your mood and help you maintain your weight. Try to be active for 30 to 60 minutes 5 times per week. Remember, any qu