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Showing posts from February, 2023


1. B oost your resistance According to registered dietitian Madeleine Edwards, who practices in Toronto, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. It is crucial to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C because, with the exception of humans, most mammals can naturally manufacture it. According to Edwards, "one serving includes 51.5 mg of vitamin C or nearly half of your daily requirement." "To obtain 100%, double a serving to one cup." A well-known immune system builder and potent, quick-acting antioxidant, vitamin C. These additional foods are rich in vitamin C. 2. Keep your eyes healthy The antioxidants in strawberries may also aid in preventing cataracts, which is the clouding of the eye lens and can eventually result in blindness as people age. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of our eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun's free radicals, which can harm the lens' protein. The cornea and retina of the eye are strengthened in a sign


1. B oost your resistance According to registered dietitian Madeleine Edwards, who practices in Toronto, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. It is crucial to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C because, with the exception of humans, most mammals can naturally manufacture it. According to Edwards, "one serving includes 51.5 mg of vitamin C or nearly half of your daily requirement." "To obtain 100%, double a serving to one cup." A well-known immune system builder and potent, quick-acting antioxidant, vitamin C. These additional foods are rich in vitamin C. 2. Keep your eyes healthy The antioxidants in strawberries may also aid in preventing cataracts, which is the clouding of the eye lens and can eventually result in blindness as people age. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of our eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun's free radicals, which can harm the lens' protein. The cornea and retina of the eye are strengthened in a sign

10 Suggestions For Better Sleep Hygiene

  If you have trouble sleeping, there are various things you may do to make things better during the day and before bed. The goal of sleep hygiene is to develop a variety of healthy behaviors that will aid in getting a good night's sleep. Let's look more closely at 10 strategies for bettering your sleep hygiene. 1. Follow a regular sleeping pattern Even on weekends, try to wake up and go to bed at roughly the same hours every day. It may be simpler for you to go to sleep and wake up each morning as a result of your body's internal clock being reinforced. Maintaining a regular schedule may also assist to lessen afternoon tiredness. Make sure you can obtain 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night at the time you choose to go to bed. 2. Establish a soothing bedtime ritual and follow it consistently You can unwind and get ready for bed by following a soothing evening ritual. Additionally, by following the same routine every night, your body will learn that it is time