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1. B oost your resistance According to registered dietitian Madeleine Edwards, who practices in Toronto, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. It is crucial to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C because, with the exception of humans, most mammals can naturally manufacture it. According to Edwards, "one serving includes 51.5 mg of vitamin C or nearly half of your daily requirement." "To obtain 100%, double a serving to one cup." A well-known immune system builder and potent, quick-acting antioxidant, vitamin C. These additional foods are rich in vitamin C. 2. Keep your eyes healthy The antioxidants in strawberries may also aid in preventing cataracts, which is the clouding of the eye lens and can eventually result in blindness as people age. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of our eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun's free radicals, which can harm the lens' protein. The cornea and retina of the eye are strengthened in a sign

10 Suggestions For Better Sleep Hygiene


If you have trouble sleeping, there are various things you may do to make things better during the day and before bed.

The goal of sleep hygiene is to develop a variety of healthy behaviors that will aid in getting a good night's sleep.

Let's look more closely at 10 strategies for bettering your sleep hygiene.

1. Follow a regular sleeping pattern

Even on weekends, try to wake up and go to bed at roughly the same hours every day. It may be simpler for you to go to sleep and wake up each morning as a result of your body's internal clock being reinforced.

Maintaining a regular schedule may also assist to lessen afternoon tiredness.

Make sure you can obtain 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night at the time you choose to go to bed.

2. Establish a soothing bedtime ritual and follow it consistently

You can unwind and get ready for bed by following a soothing evening ritual. Additionally, by following the same routine every night, your body will learn that it is time for bed. You might find it easier to sleep after reading this.

About 30 to 60 minutes prior to bedtime is the ideal time to begin your regimen.

Your routine can include anything that helps you unwind, unless it includes blue light-emitting equipment. Here are a few concepts:

• Take a hot shower or bath. The water is calming in the present, but the subsequent dip in body temperature as you cool down may also make you feel asleep.

• To help your muscles relax and release tension, do these simple stretches.

• Meditate for a short while to help your body and mind relax.

• Try focusing on your breathing while listening to some calming music.

• Take the time to read a book, but avoid using any electronic reading gadgets.

Avoid stressful or too stimulating activities, such as working or having emotional talks.

3. Switch off all electrical gadgets before bed

Blue light, which is emitted by electronic gadgets like your phone, can lower your body's melatonin levels.

A molecule called melatonin regulates your sleep-wake cycle. It could be more difficult to fall asleep when your melatonin levels drop.

You can also be distracted by blue-light-emitting devices, which keep your brain active. It could be tougher to get to sleep as a result.

Even if you don't realize it, keeping your phone nearby to your bed can disturb your sleep. You could believe that not looking at it right before bed is sufficient.

You may briefly become awakened by message notifications, buzzing, and lights that may unexpectedly turn on in the middle of the night.

4. Regular exercise

Your overall health and the quality of your sleep can both be improved by as little as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. And since exposure to natural light helps regulate your sleep cycle, the advantages may be increased even further if you can exercise outside.

But don't worry if you can't leave the house. Even routine indoor exercise may improve your ability to sleep.

Just stay away from exercising an hour or two before going to bed. Your body temperature and energy levels may rise as a result, which could make it more difficult for you to fall asleep.

Yoga or stretching are good options if you want to exercise later in the day.

5. Reduce your caffeine consumption

Caffeine's effects might linger for three to seven hours after consumption. This implies that you might stay awake and alert much longer than you'd like after a cup of coffee in the afternoon.

Everyone has a varied tolerance to caffeine, so even while it's generally advisable to limit your intake to the morning, keep this in mind.

While some individuals might be able to delay stopping their consumption until mid-afternoon, others would need to do so much earlier in order to fall asleep quickly.

You may be more susceptible to the effects of caffeine the little you consume of it.

6. Optimize the conditions in which you sleep

You might find it easier to go asleep and stay asleep in a place that is chilly, dark, and quiet.

The ideal temperature for sleeping for most people is in the range of 60°F and 67°F (15.6°C and 19.4°C).

The quality of your mattress, pillows, and bed linens is also crucial. You could find it simpler to fall asleep and remain asleep if you're more comfortable. Do you want advice? Explore our market, which is stocked with suggestions for pillows and mattresses that have been validated by experts and editors.

A decent set of earplugs might potentially save you from being disturbed while you sleep, especially if you have noisy neighbors or are a light sleeper.

Additionally, you might want to think about utilizing blackout drapes if the light in your bedroom becomes excessive.

7. Only use your bed for sleep

It may be tempting to utilize a comfy bed for activities like reading, working, talking on the phone, watching TV, and other things when you have one.

But you should only use your bed for sleeping. This makes it simpler to fall asleep by enhancing the relationship in your brain between your bed and sleep.

Reading may be one way you unwind before bed, but even books can prevent you from falling asleep if they keep your mind active. Instead of going to bed, try reading on the couch.

8. Only go to sleep when you're weary

Avoid laying in bed turning over if you are not tired. Instead, try engaging in a soothing pastime up until you feel sleepy, then going to bed.

Get up if you don't fall asleep in 20 minutes after going to bed. You can get frustrated if you have trouble falling asleep, which will just make you stay awake longer.

When you first get out of bed, relax by doing something fun, like reading on the couch, until you're exhausted enough to return to bed.

9. Try to limit or completely eliminate taking naps

If you nap during the day, it could be more difficult for you to get to sleep at night and you might wake up more frequently.

If you do feel the desire to nap, limit it to no more than 30 minutes.

• Refraining from taking a nap later in the day.

The extent to which naps affect older adults' sleep patterns differently than they do in younger adults is unknown.

10. Before going to bed, reduce your stress

You may have trouble sleeping if you worry about certain topics. To keep your anxieties from keeping you up at night:

• Before going to bed, write down your concerns to assist you get them out of your thoughts.

• Make a note of your stress level in addition to your to-do list. Make a list of your responsibilities for tomorrow and the rest of the week, then try to unwind. According to research, using a weighted blanket may have effects akin to deep pressure treatment for anxiety and insomnia.

• To help you relax before night, try meditation.



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1. B oost your resistance According to registered dietitian Madeleine Edwards, who practices in Toronto, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. It is crucial to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C because, with the exception of humans, most mammals can naturally manufacture it. According to Edwards, "one serving includes 51.5 mg of vitamin C or nearly half of your daily requirement." "To obtain 100%, double a serving to one cup." A well-known immune system builder and potent, quick-acting antioxidant, vitamin C. These additional foods are rich in vitamin C. 2. Keep your eyes healthy The antioxidants in strawberries may also aid in preventing cataracts, which is the clouding of the eye lens and can eventually result in blindness as people age. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of our eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun's free radicals, which can harm the lens' protein. The cornea and retina of the eye are strengthened in a sign