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1. B oost your resistance According to registered dietitian Madeleine Edwards, who practices in Toronto, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. It is crucial to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C because, with the exception of humans, most mammals can naturally manufacture it. According to Edwards, "one serving includes 51.5 mg of vitamin C or nearly half of your daily requirement." "To obtain 100%, double a serving to one cup." A well-known immune system builder and potent, quick-acting antioxidant, vitamin C. These additional foods are rich in vitamin C. 2. Keep your eyes healthy The antioxidants in strawberries may also aid in preventing cataracts, which is the clouding of the eye lens and can eventually result in blindness as people age. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of our eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun's free radicals, which can harm the lens' protein. The cornea and retina of the eye are strengthened in a sign



Traveling is crucial in life since it will expose you to various ideologies and ways of being. By making new connections with people and places and immersing yourself in various cultures, you may be able to broaden your perspective. Traveling can lead to so much knowledge gain and personal development.

You may have emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual effects from travel. Through domestic and international travel, you can learn how to rise above your current limitations and perceptions. Get over any reservations or anxieties you may have about traveling and enjoy all the advantages it can bring to your life.

1. Top 3 Motives For Travel: Why It's Important In Life

Traveling has so many advantages and a positive impact on many aspects of our lives. It can help us connect with new people and locations while also allowing us to see another culture's perspective and way of life. We can improve our resilience by developing the ability to live more fully in the present.

Let's examine the top three reasons why travel is vital to life.

1.1. Change Your Perspective Through Engaging With Other Cultures

There is so much for us to discover and experience when we travel to other places, whether they are domestic or abroad. Any new place you go will feel different; it can be completely different from what you're used to, or it might have some parallels. Nevertheless, you may learn something from this new environment.

There are several ways that people live throughout the vastness of the earth. We can become set in our existing perspective and lack the understanding of how other people feel when we are so accustomed to the institutions, and ways of living, of our current society.

We can see a different way of living and viewing the world as we travel to new areas and interact with diverse people and cultures. We might travel to places with poverty and pain or maybe places with freedom and plenty.

We can then get a little bit of a reality check when we encounter something radically different from what we are accustomed to. We are aware of how fortunate and bountiful we are, and that perhaps we take necessities like food, clothing, and housing for granted because other people do not have as much.

We may go forward and live life to the fullest if we can change our perspective, keep an open mind, and experience a different way of life through the activity of traveling. We can appreciate life and what we already have more.

We can see the polarity that exists as well as how precious and brittle life can be. We can learn to never condemn another person's life or decisions because we are unaware of their background or experiences.

As a result, we can respect and accept others for who they are even when we are aware that they might have grown up and lived very differently.

1.2. Learn To Be Resilient And Live In The Present

When you travel, you allow yourself the freedom to encounter new locations with a sense of wonder and curiosity. You don't spend too much time thinking about the past or the future. Instead, you are in the moment and experiencing it.

Many people who travel abroad take time off of work and may even take weeks or even months off from their regular daily routines. They are then free to live their lives carefree, discovering new places to visit or simply enjoying the simplicity of following their intuition about where to go next.

You're more likely to be open to trying new things when you travel. You want to experience everything that comes up on a trip because it might be a once-in-a-lifetime chance for you, so you say yes to whatever comes up.

You can fully engage in the present moment by looking about, taking in your surroundings, and being in the now. This ability is crucial for avoiding unneeded tension, worry, and anxiety about the future. You can also develop resilience because you can learn to deal with any experience or circumstance that comes your way.

1.3. Deepen Your Connections With Yourself And Others

Traveling can help you develop deeper relationships with both the people you encounter and with yourself. If you consistently hang out with the same individuals, you might discover that making strong connections with locals or other tourists when you are traveling is extremely gratifying for you.

You can create strong ties by listening to other people's tales and lives. Along with learning more about who you are, traveling can help you face challenges and overcome phobias.

Traveling is crucial because it allows you to expand your relationships and develop a deeper closeness not just with others but also with yourself as you step outside of the boundaries you have set for yourself.

Travel Can Help You Live Longer

4. Reasons For Travel

We can examine the motivations behind why someone travels to learn more about the significance of travel in life. Data gathered by the World Tourism Organization illustrates the motivations for travel.

This table demonstrates that just over half of all travelers do it for pleasure, amusement, or vacation. This demonstrates the value that individuals place on travel as a source of entertainment, leisure, and adventure. People want to visit new places and experience various cultures.

The table also reveals that visiting friends and family and possibly for religious reasons is the second most common cause of travel. This demonstrates how travel can be a springboard for connecting with loved ones, which is essential to one's well-being.

5. It's Important To Travel Locally And Abroad

Traveling throughout your country might be fun because you can discover new places, including urban centers or possibly rural areas. As we learn what type of atmosphere we enjoy being in and would like to live in, as well as we gain an understanding of what life is like in other regions of the country where the way of life may be completely different, varied environments may be tremendous instructors for us.

We can understand how, although sharing the same nation of birth, a person may have a distinct life experience from another person depending on their environment, community, lifestyle, etc.

You don't necessarily need to go on an international trip to discover new locations, meet new people, and have new experiences. This might help us learn to appreciate the opportunities in our own country and not take them for granted.

Traveling abroad is necessary to fully immerse yourself in a diverse environment and culture. We are allowed to truly transcend beyond what we have known and surrender to a new experience when we leave our country and enter one where there may be significant variations in terms of language, culture, weather, and style of living.

Travel by Boat Is Popular

6. 3 Frequently Occurring Fears When Traveling

When you decide to travel, especially abroad, some worries or resistance could surface. It might be simpler for certain people than others to travel the world and explore uncharted terrain. Here are three typical phobias or reasons to avoid traveling:

6.1. Aversion To The Unknown

When visiting another country for the first time, anxiety over the unknown might frequently strike. not knowing what to anticipate, not knowing anyone, being unable to plan your travel, and possibly not knowing what to do or how to get around when you arrive.

Acting despite your worries is the only way to overcome them. Traveling to new locations is all about the unknown, which is what can make it so exciting and fulfilling. You don't know what you don't know.

6.2. Fear Of Not Feeling Safe

Particularly for female solo travelers, there may be a dread of feeling unsafe when out and about. Women should thoroughly investigate the locations they are visiting and get familiar with safe travel practices. Depending on where you are, you might want to fit in as much as possible to avoid standing out as a tourist.

Know which areas are safe before you travel and which ones you might want to avoid if there are concerns about the area or high crime rates. But don't let your safety concern deter you. While traveling, use caution, but also keep in mind that many nice and compassionate people will have your best interests in mind. Embrace your gut feeling.

Flying to exotic destinations

6.3. Phobia Of Flying

Although many individuals are afraid of flying, planes are necessary if you wish to travel abroad. One thing you may do is travel to various towns within your own country on Aeroplan to become accustomed to flying and being in the air.

Although you are not a pilot and are not familiar with fixing aircraft, you should be aware that it is very possible that nothing will go wrong and you will have a safe and uneventful trip to your destination.

We may deduce from these three typical anxieties that travel is crucial in life since it can help you get over your worries. Our underlying dread of mortality and drive to survive is highlighted by our concerns about the unknown, safety, and flying.

Traveling can serve as a bridge to help you face your anxieties and go past them so that you can not only thrive but also live fearlessly, fully living your life and feeling powerful and free.


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