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1. B oost your resistance According to registered dietitian Madeleine Edwards, who practices in Toronto, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. It is crucial to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C because, with the exception of humans, most mammals can naturally manufacture it. According to Edwards, "one serving includes 51.5 mg of vitamin C or nearly half of your daily requirement." "To obtain 100%, double a serving to one cup." A well-known immune system builder and potent, quick-acting antioxidant, vitamin C. These additional foods are rich in vitamin C. 2. Keep your eyes healthy The antioxidants in strawberries may also aid in preventing cataracts, which is the clouding of the eye lens and can eventually result in blindness as people age. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of our eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun's free radicals, which can harm the lens' protein. The cornea and retina of the eye are strengthened in a sign

Easy Article Writing: 7 Steps to Follow

Review these recommendations for writing an effective article that is likely to be read by your target market.

1. Decide What To Write About

Before you begin writing, create a list of themes you wish to write about. The opportunity to discover your passions is provided by this. If you're writing an article for your business, have a brainstorming session with your staff to determine which subjects will be most appealing to readers. To further understand who you're targeting, you might need to speak with your manager or the executive team directly. Nevertheless, it's advised that you define your essay as soon as you can, allowing you to start writing and decide if it's the course you want to go.

2. Identify your target market

You must take the reader's perspective into account when determining who your target audience is. SWOT analysis should be used to identify the customers your article's content is most suited for.

3. Research Facts to Back Up Your Story

Having the facts is essential if authors want to create a story that grips readers. You should have a central spot where your facts are kept so that you can gather all the elements of your story in one place. It will be simpler for you to write notes on a word processing document using your computer or smartphone rather than a notebook, which is useful for swiftly jotting thoughts.

There are many subjects you can investigate, including:

• Statistics

• Quotations from experts on the issue you're writing about

• Definitions of the article's subject

• Short stories

• References to media or popular culture

• Regional or international events

• Resources that a user might discover

4. Make an outline for your piece

Before you start writing, your post should have a basic framework so that you can focus more on the content than the structure. Your resources can also help you come up with a format that is easy for the reader to follow and understand.

The three key components of an outline you should create are:      

 The introductory paragraph: introduces the core idea of what you're trying to convey about a subject. Because you're demonstrating value that shows why they should keep reading your content, this is the best way to get your audience's attention.

• Body paragraph: You can develop and arrange evidence that bolsters the thesis you're attempting to make in the body paragraph. To emphasize your point and educate your audience on new facts and why it is important for them, use examples from your research from the section above.

• Summary: Your article's summary can include a suggestion for the reader to think about later or a call to action. To encourage others to read your content and spread it within their network, you want them to concentrate on the value they gained from what they learnt.

5. Condense Your Outline And Write A Rough Draught

Before you start editing, you should first write everything down so you can let your creative side loose. Afterward, you can revise everything and consider what you could do to improve the article's quality as well as the issues you want to elaborate on. To save time on your initial draught, make sure to begin writing and editing from the top of the article to the bottom.

6. Specify the subject of your essay

Break down the crucial components for each area of the outline to keep your article on course. It's crucial to keep the reader's interest throughout your essay. You should always be collaborating with an editor or member of the internal team if you have questions about the content or where to add more detail.

7. Read Your Draft Out Loud Until It Is Perfect

Before submitting your essay for review, you should read it aloud multiple times. You want to be certain that the reader will find it simple and clear. Read it aloud to a member of your family or a close friend to get their frank feedback.


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1. B oost your resistance According to registered dietitian Madeleine Edwards, who practices in Toronto, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. It is crucial to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C because, with the exception of humans, most mammals can naturally manufacture it. According to Edwards, "one serving includes 51.5 mg of vitamin C or nearly half of your daily requirement." "To obtain 100%, double a serving to one cup." A well-known immune system builder and potent, quick-acting antioxidant, vitamin C. These additional foods are rich in vitamin C. 2. Keep your eyes healthy The antioxidants in strawberries may also aid in preventing cataracts, which is the clouding of the eye lens and can eventually result in blindness as people age. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of our eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun's free radicals, which can harm the lens' protein. The cornea and retina of the eye are strengthened in a sign