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1. B oost your resistance According to registered dietitian Madeleine Edwards, who practices in Toronto, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. It is crucial to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C because, with the exception of humans, most mammals can naturally manufacture it. According to Edwards, "one serving includes 51.5 mg of vitamin C or nearly half of your daily requirement." "To obtain 100%, double a serving to one cup." A well-known immune system builder and potent, quick-acting antioxidant, vitamin C. These additional foods are rich in vitamin C. 2. Keep your eyes healthy The antioxidants in strawberries may also aid in preventing cataracts, which is the clouding of the eye lens and can eventually result in blindness as people age. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of our eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun's free radicals, which can harm the lens' protein. The cornea and retina of the eye are strengthened in a sign


Unquestionably, one of the easiest methods to start exercising is to go for a walk. Even if you dislike exercising, walking is a wonderful way to raise your heart rate. Furthermore, some walking is better than none at all. It makes muscles stronger, increases blood flow, and aids in fat burning.

A recent study found that even two hours a week of walking can start to reduce your risk of diseases that would otherwise shorten your life.

The benefits of going for daily walks with your friends and acquaintances are as follows:

1. Modularity and simplicity

It is absolutely up to you when and how to do it. When you walk, especially outside, there are neither opening hours nor classes to register for. You may travel anywhere by foot.

2. Prolonged life

A recent study found that even a little activity, like walking once per week, can practically halve the chance of dying young.

3. Enhances sleep

Increasing your daily exercise regimen can help you get better sleep, which will help you wake up feeling more rested. However, you should avoid working out too close to bedtime because it might make you drowsy.

4. Decreases heart problems risk

One study found that walking 52 miles per week could reduce the risk of developing heart issues. The survey found that walking long distances quickly boosts heart health protection.

5. Adapts to your fitness level

There are ways to turn your walk into a good cardio workout, whether you're a beginner or an expert. Beginners can increase their speed gradually; Light hand weights can be added for intermediate walkers. In order to introduce walking lunges while holding hand weights, advanced walkers might want to add stopping points.

6. Walking can be fun

It can be fun without having to be boring. When you're on your own, you can just listen to the sounds of nature. Or, get moving and put on some of your favorite music. Audiobooks and podcasts are also great ways to speed up a walk. Taking along a friend or a pet can also encourage you to walk a little bit further.

7. Reduces arthritis pain in the joints

Regular walking can reduce arthritis pain because it circulates fluid, which transports oxygen to the joints and reduces inflammation.

8. Lowers blood pressure

A doctor may recommend regular aerobic exercise based on your overall health. Blood pressure can be reduced by walking for at least 30 minutes each day.

9. Eliminates stress

It is the ideal method for de-stressing and relieving daily stress. In addition, the release of endorphins caused by exercise will help you feel better than ever by elevating your mood.

10. Saves the planet

You can help combat climate change by avoiding carbon emissions and taking the bus or train instead of driving.

11. Helps fight cancer

Keep in mind that the money you raise this month through walking all over cancer will be used to support life-saving research, which will bring the cure for cancer one step closer.

12. Focus

Do you feel a little disorganized? A Harvard Health Publishing article says that taking a short but vigorous walk may help you make good decisions.

13. Weight loss

Losing weight can be accomplished through exercise and a balanced diet. As you walk more, you'll lose weight and inches, lowering your risk of diabetes and obesity.

14. Improves Immunity

Want to avoid the worst cold and flu seasons? A study with over 1,000 participants found that people who exercised less than once per week had 43% more sick days than those who exercised for at least 20 minutes five days per week.

15. Good for the family

Being able to walk your children to school is not only a great way to spend time with them but also beneficial to their health. It has been demonstrated that walking improves children's memory, creativity, mood, and overall learning abilities.

16. Encourages creativity

In a study that was published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, it was discovered that those who needed to be more creative came up with better ideas when walking than when they were just sitting still. Take a walk if you need to think creatively and come up with fresh ideas.

17. Can help in Improving mental health

Exercise has been shown to enhance both physical and mental health for a very long time. In order to reduce anxiety and despair, psychologists found that a 10-minute stroll is more helpful than a 45-minute workout.

18. Reduces sugar cravings

A 15-minute walk can reduce the desire to consume chocolate in stressful situations, according to research conducted at the University of Exeter. Walking might also help you avoid snacking on foods high in sugar.

19. The potential for socialization

You can go for a solo or group stroll. It's a terrific method to lose weight while keeping up with anything from family news to celebrity rumors. After supper, the family might take a stroll together as a relaxing activity before bed.

20. It’s free of charge

You are not restricted in any way, and you are not even required to scan your gym card! Walking is literally free everywhere, including in the living room, on the street, and up and down your staircase.


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1. B oost your resistance According to registered dietitian Madeleine Edwards, who practices in Toronto, strawberries are a great source of vitamin C. It is crucial to meet your daily requirements of vitamin C because, with the exception of humans, most mammals can naturally manufacture it. According to Edwards, "one serving includes 51.5 mg of vitamin C or nearly half of your daily requirement." "To obtain 100%, double a serving to one cup." A well-known immune system builder and potent, quick-acting antioxidant, vitamin C. These additional foods are rich in vitamin C. 2. Keep your eyes healthy The antioxidants in strawberries may also aid in preventing cataracts, which is the clouding of the eye lens and can eventually result in blindness as people age. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of our eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun's free radicals, which can harm the lens' protein. The cornea and retina of the eye are strengthened in a sign